Job applicants may feel daunted by the process of applying for suitable vacancies, which a company may arrange via hard-copy or on-line. Moreover, it is usual to feel nervous about attending a job interview. However, being well prepared can help enormously with being successful and finding the right job.
Below are some important factors to keep in mind when applying for a job:
- Application form – used by an employer to compare candidates’ skills, and assess their self-presentation, so keep all answers truthful and relevant to the job. For example, when listing previous employment in a different business, highlight transferable skills such as working as part of a team. Additionally, you can be selective rather than exhaustive about your hobbies and interests. It is best to use proper spelling, grammar and punctuation
- Covering letter – sent with an application form and CV to add a more personal touch to their contents, this letter can include items such as a brief self-introduction, where you heard about the vacancy, why it attracts you, and when you are available for interview. The letter can be brief, no more than a page. If you wish to reveal a protected characteristic, such as a disability, the letter can emphasise skills you acquired by dealing positively with the situation
- CV – this should cover the main aspects of your previous educational and working careers under separate headings, and you can find reputable on-line sites that provide good examples of suitable formats. It is a good idea limit a CV to two pages in length, to prevent over-loading the employer with information. You may want to promote your suitability by, for instance, highlighting past experience and success as indications of future achievement. For example, you participated in overseas voluntary work and learned how to make quick decisions in unexpected situations, and this has prepared you to problem solve with confidence in a new job
- Interview - it is important to research the company beforehand, usually on-line, so that you appear interested and informed. Bear in mind that interviewers are looking for evidence that you are highly motivated and that you will be committed to the company, so try to think of evidence for these attributes beforehand. Even if your skills do not match the job exactly, a good interview can convince an employer of your willingness to learn. It will help to research popular interview questions in advance, and be prepared for some questions designed to test your reaction to the unexpected
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