Monday, 27 February 2012

How can I make myself stand out from other job applicants?

To secure a job in a competitive marketplace you should aim at achieving excellence through every stage of the application process.

The application form, together with a CV and covering letter, is the first contact recruiters have with you. So make sure this arrives by the proper deadline, correctly and neatly filled in and that any other requested paperwork, such as a referee’s letter, is present.

It is important that your mention of qualifications, past achievements and future ambitions is made in a relevant way to the job in question. The person reading your application and CV will check first that you are qualified for the role. Make sure that your covering letter is not too long, as the recruiter may have to read a number of them. On the other hand it should be substantive rather than descriptive and the writing should be personable but professional.

If your application is well-received, you may be offered a screening phone interview. Make sure you have a copy of your CV and covering letter, in case you are asked about them in more depth and try to take the call somewhere quiet with a good, clear phone line. It is acceptable to take a moment before answering any questions and you don’t need to keep talking, just answer the question succinctly and wait for another.

After the interview you should take notes of what was said because if you are called for an in-person interview the panel may reference something from the phone-call. You can also send a thank-you note to the interviewer, as a way of keeping your interest in the job to the fore.

If you are asked to attend an interview, pay attention to grooming and dress appropriately. Most importantly, thoroughly research the company concerned and think about how your skills, experience and ambition fit in with their way of working and their future goals. It will also help you to know what kind of interview you are going to be given; for example, whether you will need to give a presentation, take part in group activities, or discuss a hypothetical case-study.

To conclude, even if you are the best candidate, it is impossible to stand out from other job applicants if you are late for an interview!

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